Sunday, October 14, 2007

Dead Tree in my Back Yard

I finally reached the terrifying summit of the dead tree in my back yard. I estimate it to be about 70 feet - maybe 80.

Here's what it looks like from up there.

In case anyone is worried for my safety - I am using a harness and rope lanyard - so I cannot fall. Thanks for your concern however.

There's Vic way down there

Success. Unfortunately there's a lot of tree left to get. This took 30 minutes to climb and 30 minutes to cut (I only brought a pruning saw because hey - the limbs look small from down there). It's going to be a huge job - probably knock off till next spring.


someone said...

Living proof that GOD LOVES the

JESTER . . .

next time you need a VIEW


Tom Blair said...

Connie you are priceless - thank you so much.

Triffina rocks!!!

BLC said...

I knew Triffina was driving you crazy but I had no idea the full EXTENT of the malady.
I was glad to see that you had secured yourself to prevent falling, HOWEVER what the heck were you going to do when the whole doggone TREE FELL OVER???
(Phyllis, you're in our prayers)

someone said...

on second thought,

perhaps i'll not speak to you

after such shameless


TRIFFINA still needs a director -