"Critics Say Bishop Hid Brother's Sexual Abuse," The Philadelphia Inquirer, October 29, 2006.
This was a very prominent article about Philadelphia Episcopal bishop Charles Bennison. Most articles about Christians involved in any form of sexual abuse are given more prominence than they deserve; still you cannot get much more prominant than front page of the Sunday edition.
Sadly, the Philadelphia Inquirer allowed itself to be used in a cynical political struggle among competing groups of liberals within the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania.
The purpose of this article was political. Even the Inquirer acknowledges this with this sentence "Saying they are frustrated with his financial practices and imperious management style, some clergy and lay leaders are seeking to oust the 62-year-old bishop with evidence that he concealed his brother's sexual abuse of a 14-year-old girl more than 30 years ago." Translation - Bishop Bennison is accused of not reporting a sexual relationship with a minor that happened 30 years ago in which he was not involved. His accusers are people who have known this - but didn't report it for 30 years - until now - because now it is politically expedient to do so.
Someone explain to me why I should take sides in this.
Those who supported Bennison when he was defrocking traditionalist priests (Fr. David Moyer of Church of The Good Shepard in Rosemont for example) and closing traditionalist parishes are seeking traditionalist allies to save the large financial endowments an Episcopate without a flock needs to continue its liberal social agenda.
Bishop Bennison has been in power for over ten years. The abuse occurred over 30 years ago. To those who now who now accuse him; where have you been? Is this really about children - or your own political desires?
There are still a few of us traditionalists left. We don't have a dog in this show, and I see no reason to be bamboozled into picking up a torch and pitchfork in a battle between parties who have nothing but contempt for us.
Maybe it's time liberals did show some concern for children and families like they once did. Maybe then we'll grow. But this isn't the time - and these aren't the people. Inquirer - please let us know when you find someone in this argument who really cares for the children.
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